Happy Summer Solstice!

Today is the first day of summer, and an especially great time to start a new healthy lifestyle, or add new healthful tweaks to your current lifestyle! As we have more daylight this time of year, we often have more physical and emotional energy to be more active, and out in nature, more. This gives us an advantage when we are ready to make a conscious change in our lifestyle, and create more healthy habits that can add to a more empowered and joyful life! You can make little changes that gradually become a part of your everyday life, and together, will make a powerful and synergistic difference in how you look, feel, and enjoy your life! One way is to start eating more of the fresh foods that are now in season, and then notice how you have more energy, your digestion may improve, and you may have fewer sweet cravings. 

This is just one way to make a small change that will become a more natural part of your eating plan, without dieting, which I don't recommend. Just making changes in the combinations of foods that you eat can make a big difference in how food is digested and how nourished you feel after eating. 

Starting to walk, even 10 minutes a day, can make a significant difference in how you feel, within a month or so. You could try it, and notice how you feel more energized and relaxed during and after your walk. Before long, you will likely start to look forward to your walks! They're even better if you can find a place to walk that has a lake or river, and some trees to make your walk more beautiful!

If you would like more ideas and would like to reach out to me for a free 30-minute phone consultation, just call or text me, Tiana, the owner of Joy of Movement, and I will be happy to let you know what I have to offer you! 720-335-2822